Struggling to find good examples of interactive Storyline courses? You’re not alone! Most amazing projects are proprietary – they’re built out for a client, so instructional designers aren’t able to put them onto their portfolios. Or, they may only be able to show off a small part. But there are still lots of awesome demos […]
Having a strong portfolio is critical for any job hunt to be successful. Potential employers want to see what you can do, not just read about it on your resume! Read on to learn more about building a winning portfolio. If you are job hunting, or are planning to job hunt, I highly recommend that […]
Closed captions are for EVERYONE, not just people with hearing disabilities. Are you someplace loud? Closed captions. Are you someplace where you have to be quiet? Closed captions. Have trouble understanding the speaker (maybe they talk too fast like me)? Closed captions. Since I had a baby I have become a big fan of closed […]
I’m only 8 weeks into my very first semester as a doctoral student but I’ve finished my first class! This semester has an interesting model for courses: I’m taking one course the entire 16-week semester, but I’m also taking two other 7.5-week courses back to back along with it. TEL 707 is 16 weeks, I […]
What does freelancing in instructional design look like? Is it the same as elearning development? What do I charge? Where do I find work? Tune in to get these questions answered and to get started, TODAY! I got started as a freelancer accidentally. I have an academic background and have done a lot of publishing […]
Instructional design can be lucrative: positions often start at 60k and go up over 100k. Freelancers can easily start at $50 an hour and go up to $100, $150, $200 an hour depending on specialization. Find out what instructional designers ACTUALLY do and how you can become one! The official definition of instructional design is: […]
Here’s how to add video, YouTube video, and closed captions to video in Adobe Captivate. Spoiler: it’s best to add your video as a web object in Captivate from YouTube – that will give you ALL the bells and whistles that you and your learner want! Here’s the published version of the file I create […]
Get started today using augmented and virtual reality in your teaching! My ebook, Get Started with Augmented and Virtual Reality for Learning, is now available as a Kindle ebook on Amazon. This guide is intended for newcomers to augmented and virtual reality that wish to learn about these technologies and use them in teaching, training, […]
Learn why flowcharts and storyboards are helpful in instructional design and get some tips. Whether you are a solo designer, or part of a team, storyboards and flowcharts can help you be more effective! What Is a Storyboard? A storyboard, as used in instructional design, is a visual or text-based mockup of the content and […]
Without headings, your documents and web content is inaccessible! But not only is it easy to format with headings, it can save you a lot of design time! In this video, I show instructional designers and elearning developers how to add headings to web documents and more. Headings are so important for people that use […]