Here’s how to add video, YouTube video, and closed captions to video in Adobe Captivate. Spoiler: it’s best to add your video as a web object in Captivate from YouTube – that will give you ALL the bells and whistles that you and your learner want!
Here’s the published version of the file I create in the video. You can download the raw version too if you like.
There are several ways to add video in Adobe Captivate.
The first is the most straightforward: click Media, then Video, then Slide Video, then YouTube, then paste in the link from YouTube.
The second is the most full-featured: click Objects, then Web, then go over to the Properties pane, click the radio button for Embed code, then paste the iFrame embed code from YouTube into that tiny box. You can resize the object as you like. This will result in a fully feature YouTube video with all controls, including closed captions, speed, ability to scrub, etc.
The third basically prevents you from adding closed captioning unless you are crazy determined: click Media, then Video, then Slide Video, then From Your Computer. To add captions, you have to open the Video menu from the very top of the window, click Video Management. Then, select the slide with the video you want to add captions to, click the tiny pencil in the top right, then select the Closed Captioning tab. You’ll have to enter your closed captions manually, no SubRip/SRT files allowed, which are the standard everyplace else.