
Video and Closed Captions in Adobe Captivate

Here’s how to add video, YouTube video, and closed captions to video in Adobe Captivate. Spoiler: it’s best to add your video as a web object in Captivate from YouTube – that will give you ALL the bells and whistles that you and your learner want! Here’s the published version of the file I create […]

Instructional Design Video

Introduction to Instructional Design Video Series

New to instructional design? Instructional designers are needed now more than ever! Check out my brand new six-part YouTube series Introduction to Instructional Design! This short series covers the basics of instructional design. This series covers: How instructional design is defined ADDIE and SAM: Two instructional design systems/models and why you need them How people […]

"How To" Guides Accessibility Open Education Video

Videos for Learning in H5P

If you know anything about me, you know that I love H5P! This is a free and open software for easily crafting interactive tutorials and learning objects. Create an account instantly over at You can incorporate both standard and interactive videos into your learning content using H5P. Either format may be made fully accessible.* […]