Postcards from an EdD

Postcard from an EdD | The Proposal

Let me tell you, this EdD has been a JOURNEY. Since I left my full-time job at the end of 2023, I have been brainstorming, revising, and throwing away my dissertation ideas. Brainstorming, revising, throwing away more ideas. And here I am with my proposal due in just under 3 months still nailing down my […]

Postcards from an EdD

Postcard from an EdD | 1.5 Years In

I am a year and a half into my doctoral studies, with only two years to go! Two years sounds like a lot, except that this program is speeding by. This summer, I only have a quick five-week course, but the fall semester promises a high workload and a bit of stress. I’ll be taking […]

Postcards from an EdD

Postcard from an EdD | First Year Down

First year of my doctoral program down and only…two and a half to go?!? Whose idea was this, anyway? In actuality, this three year+ program is moving by quickly. Keeping my head down each evening and weekend to study leads to the months flying by. This next year will consist of regular courses but then […]

Postcards from an EdD

Postcard from an EdD | Second Semester Field Study

My doctoral program is speeding right along! I’ve officially completed three courses and I’m currently enrolled in two for summer session. Depending on how you count, there are about 21 total “courses” in the program, including dissertation work, so let’s just go ahead and say that I’m 1/7 or 14% done with my doctorate! This […]

Postcards from an EdD

Postcard from an EdD | First Class Down!

I’m only 8 weeks into my very first semester as a doctoral student but I’ve finished my first class! This semester has an interesting model for courses: I’m taking one course the entire 16-week semester, but I’m also taking two other 7.5-week courses back to back along with it. TEL 707 is 16 weeks, I […]

Postcards from an EdD

Postcard from an EdD | I’m a Doctoral Student!

It’s always fun when you are experiencing a big transition in life to consider what brought you to that point. Yesterday marked the end of my first week as a student in the Doctor of Education in Leadership and Innovation at Arizona State University. It’s my first time back in the classroom since I finished […]