Book Announcement

New Kindle Ebook: AR and VR for Learning!

Get started today using augmented and virtual reality in your teaching! My ebook, Get Started with Augmented and Virtual Reality for Learning, is now available as a Kindle ebook on Amazon. This guide is intended for newcomers to augmented and virtual reality that wish to learn about these technologies and use them in teaching, training, […]

eLearning Virtual Reality

First Look at Captivate 2019: Is Virtual Reality elearning finally in reach?

I’m generally not a fan of Captivate, but I will admit that I am intrigued and even, dare we say, excited by Captivate 2019’s new 360 and Virtual Reality capabilities. Jump to the bottom to try out a Virtual Reality Project published in Captivate using stock images included with the program.  The newest release of […]