Career Progress

Why I’m Leaving MSIDT

It’s time: I’m moving on from teaching full-time in Cal State Fullerton’s M.S. in Instructional Design and Technology (MSIDT) program. Fall 2023 was my last semester. I had a good run! I started teaching part-time for MSIDT in 2016 and was so privileged to be hired on full-time in 2018. That’s seven years of helping […]

Career Progress Conference

Free Online Instructional Design in Libraries Conference (I’m on the Keynote Panel!)

It’s not too late to sign up for a FREE online instructional design in libraries conference – only a week and a half away! It will be Wednesday, March 13, from 12 pm to 3 pm Pacific. I’m thrilled to report that I’m going to be on the Keynote Panel, which kicks off the conference […]

Blog Career Progress Tenure Track

First tenure-track portfolio review is in motion

I did it! I finished and turned in my 2nd year full Retention-Tenure-Promotion portfolio. Next year I will turn in an Abbreviated Review (just a CV), and then my 4th year I’ll do another full portfolio. I am SO GLAD to be done. I could spend decades adjusting punctuation, wording, or evidence numbering! It’s a […]

Blog Career Progress Instructional Design Librarian Projects

Explaining What I Do to Librarians and Non-Librarians

Having to explain what I do is difficult and helpful, in equal measures. Difficult because I’m still figuring it out but I also feel compelled to justify my existence to random colleagues, in the library and out. Helpful because it forces me to clarify my priorities and market my services to people that might like to […]

Blog Career Progress Instructional Design Librarian Projects

Spring is in Full Swing

My projects are piling up as my schedule is booking up with one-shot sessions for the semester, so I was thrilled to take my first release day last week to finally have some quiet time at home to catch up on reading and work on my article and tenure portfolio. (My university gives “release time” […]

Blog Career Progress Instructional Design Librarian

Post-Winter Break Update

I enjoyed the heck out of my winter break! I had 12 whole days off from work. I spent it beach camping, hiking, running, swimming, strength-training, reading, and binge-watching TV. I brought home work-related educational books to read, but didn’t even crack them. I really need to stop deluding myself that I’m going to work […]

Blog Career Progress Instructional Design Librarian Projects

New Job, New Blog

Now that I’ve been an Instructional Design Librarian for almost five months, it’s time I started blogging more about what I’m up to. I’m a brand new academic librarian in a brand new position at my library, so I’ve spent a lot of my time so far figuring out what it is I’m supposed to […]