Blog Career Progress Tenure Track

First tenure-track portfolio review is in motion

I did it! I finished and turned in my 2nd year full Retention-Tenure-Promotion portfolio. Next year I will turn in an Abbreviated Review (just a CV), and then my 4th year I’ll do another full portfolio.

I am SO GLAD to be done. I could spend decades adjusting punctuation, wording, or evidence numbering! It’s a perfectionist’s nightmare.

For my portfolio, I had to write three narratives describing my Performance as Librarian, my Scholarly/Creative and Professional Growth Activities, and my Service. Each narrative had to be 1000 words or less and be supported with evidence proving my claims. Oh, and I had to include “impact statements” in my narratives of why what I did matters.

Furthermore, I had to write a Prospectus describing my goals as tenure track faculty in these three areas; I had to write an expanded version of my CV called a Portfolio Vita; and I had to include a Table of Contents for my evidence.

It took a little help from my friends to write good narratives. I struggled with how to organize my “Performance as Librarian” to fit our RTP handbook since I have a new position at Pollak Library. I also struggled to write good “impact statements.” Leadership here kept reminding me to “toot my own horn” and to include the “so what?” of my accomplishments. Fortunately, I have friends at other institutions whose librarians have done a great job writing these sorts of narratives, and I got some great feedback on what I came up with.

And now, to get published! If I get two articles published by my 5th year (2018) then I can apply for early tenure. That’s a ways off, but wish me luck!


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