
I Made a Twitter Bot

I’m a fan of Twitter bots. Not the Russian propaganda ones, but rather the musings of unstaffed Twitter accounts that randomly generate surrealist content. I enjoy the abstract renderings of Soft Landscapes, which offers automated and surreal yet soothing landscape art. Yayfrens Bot always injects some cheeriness into my timeline, awful excuses adds to my […]

eLearning Free Downloads Instructional Design Librarian My Work Projects

All New Jeopardy for Open Access Week

Open Access Week is almost here! To celebrate, another librarian asked me to update our existing Open Access Jeopardy game with additional questions and another round. (Note: I’m not responsible for the questions [some of them are crazy], only for developing the game). I originally developed OA Jeopardy from an amazing Jeopardy template created by E-Learning Heroes […]

Conference eLearning Projects

DevLearn DemoFest: APA Citation Tutorial

I’m not only presenting on badges and microlearning at DevLearn, I get to show off one of my favorite projects! I’ll be spending two hours at DevLearn’s DemoFest showing off my APA Citation Tutorial, which is a non-linear scenario-based learning experience. We all know learning to cite your sources using a given style, like APA, […]

Instructional Design Librarian My Work Projects

Learning APA Style Through Games and Simulations

I’ve been working on an APA citations tutorial for almost two years now. Yes, two years. I started an APA citations tutorial in Storyline in November 2015. There was a long hiatus in there somewhere, and then a complete change-of-course altogether. I’ve only been ready to show this project since July. I was fortunate to upgrade […]

Badges Blog Instructional Design Librarian Projects

Library badges go live! Or, what I did this summer.

Halfway through last year, a directive from the Cal State Fullerton Provost filtered down the ranks to me, the Instructional Design Librarian: Develop a 10-minute library tutorial that all freshmen will be required to complete. For such a short sentence, it sure turned into a large project. For starters, a 10-minute tutorial could never be […]

Blog Career Progress Instructional Design Librarian Projects

Explaining What I Do to Librarians and Non-Librarians

Having to explain what I do is difficult and helpful, in equal measures. Difficult because I’m still figuring it out but I also feel compelled to justify my existence to random colleagues, in the library and out. Helpful because it forces me to clarify my priorities and market my services to people that might like to […]

Blog Career Progress Instructional Design Librarian Projects

Spring is in Full Swing

My projects are piling up as my schedule is booking up with one-shot sessions for the semester, so I was thrilled to take my first release day last week to finally have some quiet time at home to catch up on reading and work on my article and tenure portfolio. (My university gives “release time” […]

Blog Career Progress Instructional Design Librarian Projects

New Job, New Blog

Now that I’ve been an Instructional Design Librarian for almost five months, it’s time I started blogging more about what I’m up to. I’m a brand new academic librarian in a brand new position at my library, so I’ve spent a lot of my time so far figuring out what it is I’m supposed to […]