Check out some of the webinars and presentations I’ve done for instructional designers, librarians, higher education, and K-12!
SCORM in Captivate, Storyline, and Canvas
How to publish SCORM packages with Captivate and Storyline and upload to Canvas as assignments.
Publish and Upload Captivate and Storyline Projects to Google Cloud Storage
Use Google Cloud Storage for inexpensive hosting for your courses.
Scenario-Based Elearning (featuring Articulate Storyline)
In this webinar for Cal State Fullerton’s MSIDT students, we’ll define scenario-based elearning and when to use it. Then, we’ll look at several examples and examine their implementation. Scenario-based elearning doesn’t have to be complicated. Even simple uses may lead to dramatic increases in learning.
Gamification for Elearning (featuring Articulate Storyline)
In this webinar for Cal State Fullerton’s MSIDT students, we’ll talk about gamification and how it can benefit learning. We’ll see several examples of gamification and how they may be simply implemented, and we’ll talk about some advanced examples as well to garner inspiration. Basic knowledge of variables and triggers is recommended to get the most from this webinar.
Adobe Captivate
Create a Fun Smoothie Drag and Drop Interaction in Adobe Captivate
Download the incomplete and completed versions of the project featured in the video.
Adobe Captivate: Force Users to Visit Modules Before Quiz
Download the raw file of the project demo.
Adobe Captivate Drag and Drop: Show an image upon success rather than text caption
Adobe Captivate: How to Create a Rollovers/Hover-to-Reveal That Works in HTML5
Adobe Captivate: Creating a Drop Down Menu
Articulate Storyline
Triggers and Variables in Storyline
In this webinar for Cal State Fullerton’s MSIDT students, we’ll cover the basics of variables and triggers in Articulate Storyline. The presenter will explain the concepts behind these features and how to structure logic statements to make them work. This webinar will feature several examples of variables and triggers in action and how to set them up.
Articulate Storyline Design Hacks: Layers, Master Slides, and Trompe L’oeil
In this webinar for Cal State Fullerton’s MSIDT students, we’ll get creative in our elearning visual design. Advanced Storyline users frequently use layers and master slides to create clever interactions and save themselves time. We’ll cover these wonderful features and some examples of how to make the most of them. We’ll also look at some “trompe l’oeil” elearning hacks in which the developer creates ingenious visual effects with little to no use of advanced features like triggers and variables.
Instructional Design
This webinar covers Instructional design models, how people learn, learning theories, and memory, motivation, and feedback. Webinar presented June 12, 2020, for CSUF’s M.S. Instructional Design & Technology.
Eye-Catching in a Good Way: Graphic Design Basics
Higher Education
Technology and 21st Century Skills/Free Graphics, Audio, and Video for Education
Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean it’s free! In this hour-long webinar, you’ll learn where to find media while respecting creators’ copyright. We’ll go over the basics of “Creative Commons” licenses and what it means when something is “open.” You’ll learn how to use Google Images and other sources to find open and openly licensed images. Come and learn how the basics of media may be reused, adapted, and legal while feeling guilt-free! Webinar presented September 2017 as part of California State University’s College of Education Webinar Series, 2017-18.
Choosing to Publish OER (Open Educational Resources)
Learn the benefits of creating and sharing open educational resources. Webinar presented October 2016 for a workshop by Cal State Fullerton’s Online Education and Technology department.
We talked about how getting social can improve learning, how using Universal Design for Learning principles benefits every learner, and we introduced accessibility guidelines. Webinar presented June 9, 2020, for SchoolsFirst Center for Creativity and Critical Thinking.
This session introduced backward design, also known as competency-based learning. We covered the basics of lesson design and writing measurable learning objectives. Webinar presented June 2, 2020, for SchoolsFirst Center for Creativity and Critical Thinking.
Strategies for Developing Online Learning
This session will cover strategies for teaching a variety of content and constructing active learning experiences. We’ll talk about developing your own content and assessment and adapting existing materials.Webinar presented July 2020 for SchoolsFirst Center for Creativity and Critical Thinking.
20 Free Apps for Online Teaching
I’ll share all of my favorite open and free apps and resources for teaching online. Webinar presented for SchoolsFirst Center for Creativity and Critical Thinking.
Free Graphics, Audio, and Video for Education
Just because it’s on the internet doesn’t mean it’s free! In this webinar, you’ll learn where you can find graphics, audio, and video for your teaching that you can reuse while respecting creators’ copyright. We’ll go over the basics of Creative Commons licenses and what it means when something is “open.” You’ll learn how to use Google Images and other sources to find open and licensed images, and you’ll come away with the basics of how these images may be reused and adapted, legally and guilt-free! Webinar presented March 7, 2018 ACRL’s University Libraries Section’s Professional Development Committee.
20 Apps in 60 Minutes (For Educators)
This webinar featured 20 amazing applications for educators. We covered apps that increase student engagement, apps for you (and your students!) to create your own instructional media, and productivity apps to keep you focused and organized. All of the featured apps are free and cross-platform. Webinar presented January 31, 2018 for ACRL’s University Libraries Section’s Professional Development Committee.
Conversations with Blended Librarians: Second in a Series
This session explored the role of Blended Librarians by discussing with our panel how they developed their skills, how they obtained their positions, what their work is like, what their challenges are and what they enjoy about being a Blended Librarian. Panel conversation March 2, 2017, with guests Lindsay O’Neill, Francesca Marineo, Kristin (Miller) Woodward, Julie Hartwell, and Amanda Clossen.
Conference Presentations
Note: I’ve done tons of conference presentations, but only a couple were recorded.
My experience as a faculty member using library and open educational resources to teach in a graduate instructional design program. Presented as part of a panel at American Library Association’s Annual Conference 2018 in New Orleans.
Digital Badges Exposed – TCC Online Conference 2018
Our academic library’s tutorials program has dramatically scaled up the number of students that receive basic library instruction without requiring any additional librarian time beyond development and maintenance. This program gives students a thorough orientation to the library and the basics of doing library research using self-contained online tutorials with built-in assessment. For each tutorial completed with a 100% score (tutorials are repeatable), students earn a digital badge that is viewable in the learning management system by peers and faculty alike. The badges feature allows both librarians and campus instructors to confirm student completion and track who has mastered basic library and information literacy concepts. This program allows librarians to make better use of in-person time and helps to scale up library instruction on a campus of 40,000 students.