
I’m Speaking at DevLearn on Accessibility Techniques for Elearning

Come see me speak at DevLearn 2023 on accessibility strategies for elearning!

My session is #407 – Accessibility for eLearning: Quick and Easy Techniques to Apply Right Away.

Meet me Thursday, October 26, at 10:45 am at The Mirage in Las Vegas!

Watch my session trailer:

Session Description

Accessibility is possible in your eLearning. With so many formats and platforms and so little time, it may seem overwhelming to even begin, but accessibility is more important than ever. Accessibility features not only make online learning usable for the one-in-five people that have a disability but also benefit anyone that works in a loud environment (closed captions), anyone with fatigue from extended computer work (color contrast), and anyone that likes to skim material to find what they need quickly (headings). Let’s talk simple strategies that will make your training and courses even better and more usable.

In this session we’ll cover building accessibility into a variety of elearning formats—from Word and PDF to learning management systems and Articulate Storyline. There are several easy ways to build in accessibility from the start or to upgrade an existing project. The tools are already there. Together we’ll uncover how to use them. We will identify the most critical accessibility features including alt text and closed captions, and explore how to implement accessibility in a variety of  eLearning software. Attendees will leave with resources to get started right away, including a checklist featuring how-to videos on the most common accessibility techniques.

In this session, you will learn:

  • How to identify critical accessibility features
  • How to implement alt text, closed captions, and headings
  • How to implement accessibility in Word and PDF documents
  • How to build in or upgrade accessibility in a variety of eLearning formats and software

Technology discussed:

Microsoft Word, Adobe PDF, learning management systems, Articulate Storyline

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