10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Obvious or Confusing Quiz Answers

Last time we talked about the horror of dead-end quiz questions. When left to the default setting “infinite tries,” quiz questions can be a trap with no escape. Drag and drops, in particular, are a nightmare when attempts are not limited. But any poorly-written quiz question is a problem, and quizzes are too often left […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Dead-End Quiz Questions

Navigation design, visual design, auditory design – these are all important! But I think my biggest frustrations as a learner have come from poorly designed quizzes. There’s nothing like encountering an overly difficult quiz question and then getting stuck there, so close to the end, and yet so far! So let’s chat today about quiz […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Robot As Narrator

Last time we started talking about voiceover. Voiceover is a solid feature that can elevate a learning experience. Problems come when the narrator is reading a slide aloud and boring the learner, or when the voiceover narration is outsourced to…a robot! This is the eighth post in my series, 10 Mistakes in Elearning Design. Here’s […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Slides Are Read Aloud

Today we are moving on to frequent mistakes I see in Auditory Design! Let’s talk about voiceover. Voiceover can add a human element to elearning, making it more engaging for the learner. Voiceover can be a wonderful strategy to better deliver content to a learner. Combined with simple visuals, it’s a great way to explain […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Objects Are Unaligned

Alignment! Alignment is often the sole difference between amateur and professional. Tiny misalignments quickly lend a feel of something being…off…about a design. Even if it’s only a pixel or two! But no worries, it’s an easy fix. PowerPoint, Storyline, and Captivate all have built-in tools to fix alignment of your objects. This is the sixth […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Using More Than Two Fonts

Love fonts? Who doesn’t! Fonts are a wonderful way to add personality, or to zhush up a boring design! But there is an old rule in design: you have to know the rules in order to know when you can break them. So let’s talk about fonts: the rule is to stick to just two. […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Color and Contrast

This is the fourth post in my series, 10 Mistakes in Elearning Design. Here’s what we’ve already covered: Mistake #1: Redundant Navigation Mistake #2: Inconsistent Navigation Mistake #3: Is This Interactive? Now, let’s look at frequent problems with visual design. You’ll learn some simple tips and tricks to make professional looking projects! Mistake #4: Color […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Is This Interactive?

This is the third post in my series, 10 Mistakes in Elearning Design. The first post focused on Redundant Navigation. The second focused on Inconsistent Navigation. Now, let’s look at frequent problems with the way developers build in interactivity. Beyond navigation interactions, interactivity refers to what the learner is doing in a learning object. What […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Inconsistent Navigation

This is the second post in my series, 10 Mistakes in Elearning Design. The first post focused on Redundant Navigation. Today we’re continuing our examination of effective navigation by considering what happens when navigation is inconsistent. Mistake #2: Inconsistent Navigation Take a look at these two Original Designs. Imagine that these are two slides in […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Redundant Navigation

Welcome to my new series, 10 Mistakes in Elearning Design! In each article, l will cover a particular mistake that I see new elearning developers make. We’ll cover navigation, interactivity, visual and auditory design, and quizzes. As an instructor, I have graded hundreds of Storyline and Captivate projects created by brand new elearning developers in […]