10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Objects Are Unaligned

Alignment! Alignment is often the sole difference between amateur and professional. Tiny misalignments quickly lend a feel of something being…off…about a design. Even if it’s only a pixel or two! But no worries, it’s an easy fix. PowerPoint, Storyline, and Captivate all have built-in tools to fix alignment of your objects. This is the sixth […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Using More Than Two Fonts

Love fonts? Who doesn’t! Fonts are a wonderful way to add personality, or to zhush up a boring design! But there is an old rule in design: you have to know the rules in order to know when you can break them. So let’s talk about fonts: the rule is to stick to just two. […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Color and Contrast

This is the fourth post in my series, 10 Mistakes in Elearning Design. Here’s what we’ve already covered: Mistake #1: Redundant Navigation Mistake #2: Inconsistent Navigation Mistake #3: Is This Interactive? Now, let’s look at frequent problems with visual design. You’ll learn some simple tips and tricks to make professional looking projects! Mistake #4: Color […]