10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Obvious or Confusing Quiz Answers

Last time we talked about the horror of dead-end quiz questions. When left to the default setting “infinite tries,” quiz questions can be a trap with no escape. Drag and drops, in particular, are a nightmare when attempts are not limited. But any poorly-written quiz question is a problem, and quizzes are too often left […]

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design

10 Mistakes in Elearning Design: Dead-End Quiz Questions

Navigation design, visual design, auditory design – these are all important! But I think my biggest frustrations as a learner have come from poorly designed quizzes. There’s nothing like encountering an overly difficult quiz question and then getting stuck there, so close to the end, and yet so far! So let’s chat today about quiz […]