
Instructional Design Websites and Listservs

Today, I’m sharing my list of my favorite websites (most with an email subscription option) and my favorite listservs for instructional designers. There are so many wonderful instructional design and elearning websites, but there are just a handful I recommend and refer to myself on a regular basis. Do yourself a favor and subscribe where possible! It’s wonderful to get posts in your inbox – instant professional development! I just have a rule set up in my email client to forward fun emails like these to a “read later” folder so my inbox doesn’t get overwhelmed.

I also have two non-website listservs here that I recommend. These are both focused on higher education. If you have something else to suggest, please pop it in the comments!


  • Experiencing E-Learning by Christy Tucker
    *Get this in your inbox* Christy is a freelance ID pro. She covers a wide range of topics on her blog, and usually includes wonderful illustrations to boot. She regularly offers a link round-up of interesting things to read.
  • The eLearning Coach by Connie Malamed
    I feel like I’m double-dipping a bit here because Connie also does an excellent podcast! But she writes a lot as well, and even provides transcripts for her podcast episodes. Her website is a wonderful respository for all things ID.
  • Rapid eLearning Blog
    *Get this in your inbox* Articulate-centric, but also offers tons of freebies and ideas for any elearning developer.
  • e-Learning Heroes Community (Storyline)
    *Get this in your inbox* TONS of templates and weekly challenges to help you grow your elearning skills. The community is run by Articulate, so naturally it’s Storyline-focused. Nothing like this exists for Captivate, unfortunately!
  • LinkedIn Learning
    There’s a lot of software to learn as an instructional designer! LinkedIn is my go-to for learning it all. This is a paid subscription, but your workplace or local public library might offer access.
  • Learning Science Weekly
    *Get this in your inbox* I love getting new posts! The editors select newly published articles related to instructional design, summarize them, and give you the takeaways. This is the best, most useful way to keep up on research without being totally overwhelmed. Each post is to-the-point and a quick read. Just what I need.


Websites and Listservs

Want more recommendations?

One reply on “Instructional Design Websites and Listservs”

Marie Slimsays:

This is so great! When I was a librarian, LISTSERVS saved me! It was hard to form a network being the only librarian on a campus – so I imagine these Listservs and Newsletters will help me out as well! Thank you for sharing!

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