"How To" Guides

Online Learning in Academic Libraries: Showcase of Library Tutorials

When I was a new Instructional Design Librarian in 2014 I sought out examples of great online tutorials from other academic libraries to get ideas for what our own library should have. Our library at the time was seriously lacking in online learning. When I joined the library, the newest YouTube videos were four years […]

Badges Blog Instructional Design Librarian Projects

Library badges go live! Or, what I did this summer.

Halfway through last year, a directive from the Cal State Fullerton Provost filtered down the ranks to me, the Instructional Design Librarian: Develop a 10-minute library tutorial that all freshmen will be required to complete. For such a short sentence, it sure turned into a large project. For starters, a 10-minute tutorial could never be […]

Blog Instructing

Are you instructing or are you informing?

I tell people that I teach library skills to college students. So I thought that I had a good prior knowledge base from which to approach my graduate courses in education. In one of them, we’re assigned to plan a one-hour lesson. I decided to design a lesson for a particular composition class whose instructors […]