
Recognition at Campus Honor an Educator Event

It’s not often that I get awards, so I hope you’ll forgive me for being super excited to share that I was recognized at my campus’ recent Honor an Educator event! It’s an annual fundraiser put on by the California State University, Fullerton, College of Education.

I was nominated by the director of the Master of Science in Instructional Design and Technology program. I’ve only been teaching for her for about a semester and a half, but she thinks I’m doing a great job and I’m very flattered. I love teaching for the program! My students are the best.

As part of the event, I got this amazing certificate thanks to our California Assemblywoman Sharon Quirk-Silva. You bet it’s getting framed and going on my office wall!

Certificate of recognition for Lindsay O'Neill from California State Assembly

Mike and Lindsay at Honor an Educator dinner
Mike and I at the dinner!

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