Blog Instructional Design Librarian

Instructional Design Librarian Job Descriptions and Postings

As an Instructional Design Librarian I get asked periodically for my job description. (I’m trendy!) Since I started this job, I’ve been curious what other ID Librarians do, so I collect job postings as I see them, and I also Tweet out any ID-related librarian job postings that I see.

You can download a zip folder of a selected few ID Librarian job postings that I think are pretty good, and are all titled as “Instructional Design.” This folder includes:

  • Instructional Design Librarian (Faculty Position) – Cal State Fullerton (this is my current job)
  • Instructional Design Librarian (Faculty Position) – University of Alabama
  • Online Instructional Design Librarian (Faculty Position) – Cal State Northridge
  • Instructional Design Librarian (Not sure if faculty) – Nevada State
  • Instructional Design Librarian (Faculty Position) – Southern Minnesota State
  • Instructional Design Librarian (Not sure if faculty – University of Waterloo, Canada
  • Instructional Design/Technology Librarian (Not faculty) – UC San Diego
  • Instructional Design Librarian (Faculty Position) – Notre Dame

Download IDL Job Descriptions

Other ID-Related Job Titles

  • Instructional technology librarian
  • Online learning librarian
  • eLearning librarian
  • Online instruction librarian
  • Digital learning librarian
  • Digital literacy and instructional design librarian
  • Online and hybrid learning librarian
  • Emerging technologies and instruction librarian

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