"How To" Guides Instructional Design Slide Decks and Presentation Materials

Design Your Own Tutorial: Workshop Materials

I love developing eLearning! Even more than that, I love teaching people to design effective online learning experiences. Here are my slides and handouts from a workshop I did recently on designing tutorials (and aligning assessment with objectives!). Download my materials from my workshop on designing an effective tutorial: Presentation Slides Handout – Storyboards Handout […]

Badges Conference My Work Recorded Webinars Slide Decks and Presentation Materials

Digital Badges Exposed

I presented recently at ACRL and Electronic Resources & Libraries on my digital badges/tutorials program, on digital badge technology, and on effective learning object design. These are now available as a three-part recording via YouTube! Get more information and download my slides from my conference post. Enjoy. Navigate: Part 1: Introduction/Spark Tutorials Part 2: Digital […]

Badges Blog Conference Recorded Webinars Slide Decks and Presentation Materials

Presentation Materials from ACRL and ER&L 2017

I’m presenting at ACRL and ER&L 2017! My presentations are about my Spark Tutorials project and the technology needed to make digital badges happen. Both my slides and my handouts are licensed as CC-BY-4.0. You are welcome to download them, reuse them, redistribute them, etc., as long as you give me attribution. A three-part recording […]